eTips are quick suggestions for improving productivity.  You can quickly digest the tip and put it to use immediately.  Sign up to receive eTips via email using the form on the right, or read them online, below and on Casey’s blog.

April 16, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Find Ways to Edit Your Meetings

If you attend lots of meetings each week, ask yourself: Are these meetings useful, pushing projects forward appreciably? If so, great. If not… Casey's eTip: Find Ways to Edit Your Meetings It might be time for a meetings inventory. Ask yourself questions like these for each meeting you "must" attend:…
April 10, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Empty the To Line of an Angry Email

If you have ever shot off an angry email that you later deeply regretted, this one's for you... Casey's eTip: Empty the To Line of an Angry Email If you receive an email that makes your blood boil, hit Reply and then remove all email addresses from the To and…
April 3, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Smile Yourself into Happiness

You have the power to change your own mood, which makes you more productive at work. So... Casey's eTip: Smile Yourself into Happiness When you smile (as genuinely as possible), your brain reacts by releasing the hormones dopamine and serotonin. Your stress decreases and the feeling of happiness increases. Other…
March 27, 2024

Casey’s eTip: Rest by Going Tech-Free

We engage with screens (phones, laptops, Kindles, TVs) all day long. We may not realize it, but it takes a toll on our eyes and our souls. Abstaining for a few hours (or a day!) can be nurturing. It might be time to... Casey's eTip: Rest by Going Tech-Free One…